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Cepco Wind Power Project

The Cepco Wind Power Project in Rajasthan stands as a transformative step toward India’s clean and resilient energy future. Positioned within one of the country’s most promising regions for wind energy, this project harnesses Rajasthan’s vast natural resources to drive the transition to sustainable power.

Project Type

Renewable Energy


United Nations Climate Change Clean Development Mechanism

Unit Type



ACM0002 Methodology – Consolidated methodology for grid-connected electricity generation from renewable sources

Project ID




Why support this project?

Aligned with Rajasthan’s ambitious Renewable Energy Policy of 2023, which aims to achieve 65 GW of solar capacity and 15 GW of wind-solar hybrid capacity by 2030, this project supports the state’s vision of transforming its renewable energy landscape. This shift is a substantial leap from the previous target of 30,000 MW solar and 3,500 MW hybrid power set for 2024-25. Rajasthan’s untapped wind energy potential, estimated at an impressive 284 GW at a hub height of 150 meters, provides a fertile ground for such projects to thrive.

In addition to expanding Rajasthan’s clean energy portfolio, the project will direct 2% of its Certified Emission Reduction (CDM) revenue toward sustainable community initiatives, enhancing local infrastructure and services. Local communities will see new job opportunities and improved energy security, creating a shared path toward a sustainable, resilient future for Rajasthan.

Project Location

Set against the expansive landscapes of Rajasthan, this wind power project extends across the Jaisalmer and Jodhpur Districts.

Real and Lasting Impact:

Permanence: Project activities must represent permanent reductions in GHG emissions. These renewable wind energy projects avoid emissions by displacing grid energy supply from fossil fuel generation sources. Avoided emissions are considered permanent.

Additionality: A project is additional if the GHG emissions reductions would not occur without the intervention of the project activity. The project’s additionality was proven using a tool designed to assess whether a project is truly necessary to receive CDM support. Following this tool’s guidelines, an Investment Analysis was performed to see if the project would be financially viable on its own. Here, the project used the post-tax Project IRR (Internal Rate of Return) as a key financial measure.

The project compared its IRR to a benchmark set by the Power Finance Corporation’s lending rate for electricity projects, which was 11.75%. After a sensitivity analysis, the Project IRR was found to be 7.15% for a 7-year loan period, well below the benchmark. Even under different scenarios, the IRR stayed below the benchmark, indicating that the project would not be financially appealing without CDM support.

A common practice analysis further confirmed that this project is unique in approach and not commonly implemented. In summary, this project qualifies as additional and therefore merits Climate Finance.

Leakage: In the context of renewable energy projects, leakage refers to the risk that the establishment of the project will generate measurable emissions increases outside the project area. Emissions leakage is very unlikely to occur due to the nature of displacing electricity and avoiding GHG emissions which would have otherwise been generated by fossil fuel sources. As such, renewable energy projects are considered to have negligible leakage risk.

SDGs: The project meets the following United Nations Sustainable Development Goals:

SDG 1.png  SDG 15.png


$2.50/Tonne of CO2e

Tonne of CO2e

32487 in stock

Where does my money go?

Your purchase goes to the procurement of fully verified and independently audited carbon offset projects. TEM’s operational, due-diligence, risk management and marketing costs are also included in the list price. By purchasing from these projects, you are mobilising capital to support the project’s ongoing operations and benefits, alongside of ensuring measurable emissions reductions and avoidance.

What goes into pricing TEM's offsets on this site?

You may find a difference between the cost of projects listed on this site and the average prices listed on the wholesale carbon market/s. That’s because TEM offers projects where we have gone the extra mile to ensure their integrity and deliver you the end-to-end service that others won’t. Our pricing is fully inclusive of the end-to-end services to ensure integrity, including:

  • The cost to source, deliver and/or procure projects – Sourcing, purchasing and holding carbon units.
  • TEM’s proprietary due diligence and risk management for each project – Put simply, we do the work to limit the chance that you will support a project that doesn’t deliver measurable and long-term carbon abatement.
  • Our retirement process – Following each purchase, every carbon offset purchased on this site can be transparently traced to a retired carbon unit listed on an independent registry.
    What will I receive with my purchase?

    Once we’ve received your payment, we will:

    • Send you content and copy (if available) relating to the projects you’re supporting.
    • Evidence of retirement, which includes the listing on each registry that relates to the offsets you have purchased within a TEM-branded retirement certificate. You will receive an email once your order is placed to confirm retirement copy for your certificate – this details the reason for retirement and is best practice to avoid double counting. The cost for a company-specific retirement certificate = $150 per order. Note: you will need individual retirement for Climate Active and other certification purposes.
    • Keep you updated on new projects as they’re added to TEM Online. Of course-you can choose to opt out of those emails!


    Carbon Projects
    6 min read

    A heartfelt journey into India’s carbon offset industry
