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Katingan Peatland Conservation

The largest program of its kind, the Katingan Mentaya Project protects vital peatland in Central Kalimantan, Indonesia. Located squarely within a state designated production forest, the project area was planned to be cleared and converted to an industrial acacia plantation.

Project Type

Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and forest Degradation (REDD+)


VERRA Voluntary Carbon Standard, and Climate, Community, and Biodiversity Standard

Unit Type



VM0007 REDD+ Methodology Framework

Project ID



2019+ (all our vintages are Climate Active compliant)

Project Location

Climate Impact: An estimated 7,451,846 tCO2e avoided annually. 


Project Registry Link: Katingan Peatland Restoration and Conservation | VERRA


Request TEM’s Science-Based Due Diligence Report

Why support this project?

The ecologically significant tropical peatlands within the project area store approximately 20 times more carbon below ground than in above-ground vegetation, highlighting their important role as a carbon sink. The Katingan Mentaya REDD project finances the conservation of these peatlands by appropriately valuing the natural capital and the ecosystem services they provide, thus preventing significant volumes of carbon dioxide from being released into the atmosphere.

BeZero, which provides a third-party carbon crediting rating system, gives this project a rating of A.

Who we work with

This project was founded and is managed by PT Rimba Makmur Utama (RMU). RMU focuses on nature-based solutions in Indonesia to protect and restore natural, social and economic ecosystems. Since 2013, RMU has been managing the Katingan Mentaya Project, which was established in 2017 in response to the climate crisis. RMU’s strong belief that the peat forest of Kalimantan, Indonesia, can still be saved and restored by providing local communities with a sustainable source of income is the massive driver behind this project and has even led to other initiatives to help reduce emissions and give back to local communities.

Community impact:

In partnership with 34 local villages, the project aligns with sustainable development initiatives by building community capacity, increasing employment and education. By fostering inclusive partnerships and a culture of nature connection and sustainability in local communities, the project serves to reduce poverty, enhance the wellbeing of communities, and reorient deforestation trends and their destructive environmental and climate impacts.

The Katingan Mentaya Project is living proof that carbon finance can combat climate change. The largest program of its kind, it generates an average 7.5 million triple gold certified carbon credits annually; equivalent to taking 2,000,000 cars off the road each year. In partnership with local communities, the project utilises carbon revenues to ensure natural forest restoration and protection.

Biodiversity impact:

The project activities deliver vital biodiversity conservation outcomes. The project protects vital peatland habitats in Central Kalimantan, Indonesia, for five Critically Endangered, eight Endangered and 31 Vulnerable species. The protected area is home to between 5 and 10% of the global populations of the Bornean Orangutan, Proboscis Monkey and Southern Bornean Gibbon.

Real and Lasting Impact:

Permanence: Project activities must generate permanent reductions and removals in GHG emissions. This requires that the carbon sequestered and stored within the project area will not be released due to unmitigated risk factors such as forest fires, extreme weather events, pest and disease outbreaks and land tenure disputes that result in deforestation. The project actively mitigates risks to the permanence of GHG reductions and removals.  

Additionality: A project is additional if the GHG emissions reductions and removals would not occur without the implementation of the project activities. Prior to the establishment of the project, the land area was legally designated as production forest, and conversion to industrial acacia plantation was the most likely land-use scenario. The project activities prevent planned deforestation, restore wetlands and reforest small compartments – all of which would not occur in the absence of the project. Therefore, the project GHG emissions reductions and removals are additional.

Leakage: In the context of REDD+ projects, leakage refers to the displacement of deforestation and forest degradation from within the project area to outside of the project area. The project must identify and account for all potential sources of leakage including (but not limited to) activity shifting of avoided planned deforestation and the displacement of agricultural activities by applying a leakage factor to the net emissions calculation, which essentially discounts the total issuance of carbon credits.

SDGs: The project meets the following United Nations Sustainable Development Goals:


$13.00/Tonne of CO2e

Tonne of CO2e

867 in stock

Where does my money go?

Your purchase goes to the procurement of fully verified and independently audited carbon offset projects. TEM’s operational, due-diligence, risk management and marketing costs are also included in the list price. By purchasing from these projects, you are mobilising capital to support the project’s ongoing operations and benefits, alongside of ensuring measurable emissions reductions and avoidance.

What goes into pricing TEM's offsets on this site?

You may find a difference between the cost of projects listed on this site and the average prices listed on the wholesale carbon market/s. That’s because TEM offers projects where we have gone the extra mile to ensure their integrity and deliver you the end-to-end service that others won’t. Our pricing is fully inclusive of the end-to-end services to ensure integrity, including:

  • The cost to source, deliver and/or procure projects – Sourcing, purchasing and holding carbon units.
  • TEM’s proprietary due diligence and risk management for each project – Put simply, we do the work to limit the chance that you will support a project that doesn’t deliver measurable and long-term carbon abatement.
  • Our retirement process – Following each purchase, every carbon offset purchased on this site can be transparently traced to a retired carbon unit listed on an independent registry.
    What will I receive with my purchase?

    Once we’ve received your payment, we will:

    • Send you content and copy (if available) relating to the projects you’re supporting.
    • Evidence of retirement, which includes the listing on each registry that relates to the offsets you have purchased within a TEM-branded retirement certificate. You will receive an email once your order is placed to confirm retirement copy for your certificate – this details the reason for retirement and is best practice to avoid double counting. The cost for a company-specific retirement certificate = $150 per order. Note: you will need individual retirement for Climate Active and other certification purposes.
    • Keep you updated on new projects as they’re added to TEM Online. Of course-you can choose to opt out of those emails!
