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Carbon Policy, Technology
6 min read

Carbon services provider launches low-volume online platform

Originally published on Carbon Pulse on 5 April 2023. 

Carbon Pulse recently released an article announcing TEM’s launch of our online carbon offset platform: TEM Online. Below includes a summary of some of the conversation that our very own Brett Giddings had with Carbon Pulse.

“With our new online marketplace, TEM Online gives you the chance to buy and retire a suite of offsets that have gone through TEM’s due diligence and screening process,” TEM Corporate General Manager Adrian Enright wrote in a post on LinkedIn.

TEM’s partnerships manager, Brett Giddings, told Carbon Pulse the platform was created to allow businesses with lower emissions profiles to have access to carbon credit projects that had been screened.

“[TEM] has really good practices in place in dealing with large corporates … where we identified a pain point in the market was in facilitating climate action for smaller businesses and smaller transactions,” he said.

“In the past, anything under 2,000 tonnes has been challenging to support … the solution is a low touch or no-touch platform that still provides the quality of projects that we’ve been providing to these large corporates,” he added.

Giddings said that historically, businesses with lower footprints or single events that wanted to offset their emissions had little say in the type and quality of carbon credit they were purchasing, and that the platform sought to address this.

“All we wanted to do is improve access to this audience,” he said.

Giddings said that the 2,000-tonne threshold was an easy-to-manage starting point, but added that TEM saw plenty of opportunity to potentially expand the platform to higher volume transactions.

“We’re really focussed on using technology right throughout the client journey to enable them to see impact, feel impact and ultimately share that impact, with potential attractors or investors, whatever the end-user looks like,” he said.

Read the full article here: https://carbon-pulse.com/198361/




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